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There are a large number of myths and fairy tales about what causes ASD, and many parents of children with the condition have spent many thousands of dollars doing needless and sometimes harmful procedures in the faint hope that the procedures will cure their child. It is clear, though, that they cause of developmental delay in children is due to two or more deficiencies of the children, whilst in the womb of a deficient mother. Thus, all children have been found to be deficient in vitamin B2, vitamin B12, iron and/or vitamin D. Despite this, people with children with a child with autism appear to be desperate enough to try anything, that has a vague, but non-proven chance of success. This is a very, very costly non-solution to a basic biochemical deficiency.

The major problem with this way of thinking is that it has lead to the major Paradigm of Autism Hence "There is no known cause of autism, it is a mixture of environmental and genetic factors", AND "There is no known cure for autism"

Autism Paradigm

There is currently no cure for autism. The corollary to the paradigm is that if there really is cure for autism, then leading experts and governments are somehow unaware or it, and hence if there is a major breakthrough in autism treatment it would be International news and everyone would know of it. This can be exemplified by the complete lack of Scientific effort currently underway by many large organizations working in the field of Autism Research Viz: "XYZ does not focus on curing autism, XYZ is more interested in research efforts that will support people on the autism specturm and their families and carers to realize and reach their goals and aspirations". Clearly there will have to be a massive paradigm shift in organizations such as the aforementioned before, would possibly countenance any new scientific research. Even then it is likely, that the individuals involved within the hierarchy of such organizations will have to maintain a status of "cognitive dissonance" in order to justify or validate their previous paradigm. One of the major problems with the Paradigm is that it becomes self-fullfilling in that no-one working on the cause of autism will get public funding, which may explain why up until now significant advancements have not been made in the field. This is despite literally $100 million being spent on research see Donate

It is the object of the current page to dispel some of the more common myths and thereby help to "Save the children".

Nemechek Protocol

The Nemechek protocol, is a protocol that appears to be based on the concept that ASD is caused by inflammation, which "can be seen" by the high levels of the so-called inflammatory markers, KA/QA/HVA/VMA observed in autism. Hence the protocol is based on treating putative bacterial inflammation in the gut, and thereby reducing inflammation, which is postulated to also be occurring in the brain and therefore hindering development. The protocol involves treating with high dose fish oil, olive oil and inulin. The problem with the protocol is the assumption that high levels of KA/QA/HVA/VMA are due to inflammation, however, these are not inflammatory markers, they are markers of vitamin B12 deficiency (see ). There are claims that the protocol has some benefit in some children, however, this could be explained by high levels of vitamin K in the olive oil, and also the high levels of vitamin D in Cod-liver oil. The later could be of some benefit as it is known that the majority of children with ASD are vitamin D deficient see .Normal fish oil does not contain significant amounts of vitamin D.

Cutler Chelation Therapy

For many years, there was a belief that conditions such as ASD and CFS were caused by heavy metal contamination in the brain, and that people would not make significant progress unless the metals were somehow removed from the brain. The "offending" metal was postulated by Dr Cutler (a physicist who is now dead) to be mercury. Hence the Cutler protocol was "invented". In the protocol, repeated high doses of proposed chelating agents meso-demercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid (DMPS) and ALA (alphalipoic acid, or thioctic acid). Use of both DMSA and DMPS have been shown to be effective at chelation of Arsenic and Lead following acute exposure, when the material is still circulating in the blood, ie the first 24 hours, but after that it is ineffective. Further, these two chelators are fairly non-specific and so whilst they will chelate lead and arsenic, they also chelate and eliminate essential metals such as chromium, cobalt copper and iron, which are used for physiologic function. Further there is no known method of transport whereby DMA and/or DMPS can actively target out some yet to be proven or identified deposit of mercury, strip it off any neighbouring protein, and then use some yet to be identified cellular expulsion method to selectively remove only the toxic metals without removing other metals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, etc. Further, it is known that reagents such as DMSA and DMPS do not enter the brain. The use of ALA is also controversial, hence the sulphur atoms in the structure are disulfide linked and so are not available for chelation, or metal reduction. ALA, is though, an essential co-factor in pyruvate dehydrogenase and in alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, however, nearly half of the bodies ALA comes from the consumption of meat. HMTA of children with ASD does not indicate levels of mercury any higher than the average population. There has been no substantive evidence of efficacy for the Cutler protocol. HMTA has though revealed many metal deficiencies in ASD, including Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, and critically Iodine, Selenium and Molybdenum. Side effects of the treatment include vomiting, diarrhea, rash, low blood neutrophils.

Toxin Removal

In a similar fashion to the Cutler Chelation Therapy, there are those who believe that heavy metals can be specifically removed by nanosized zeolite-like molecules. In the Advanced Toxin Removal System (Advanced TRS), clinoptilolite zeolite is nanosized and encased in water. The concept being that somehow these tiny particles can travel where ever water can move and magically source out some heavy metal toxin, and just as magically remove it specifically from the body without removing any of the essential metals. This approach is naive at best, and further, HMTA of children with autism does not show any increased concentration of toxic metals over and above those in the local atmosphere. Bentonite clay is also used orally, but as any person who works with small molecules such as vitamins and minerals knows, this is totally non-specific and will leave the recipient even more depleted in essential vitamins and minerals.

Vaccine Injured

There are a group of individuals "Anti-vaxxers" who believe that there is a connection between vaccination and autism, and the concept has arisen that children become vaccine injured, which then causes autism. One of the early theories revolved around the use of thiomersal as a preservative in vaccines. The use of thiomersal has now been discontinued, however the rate of vaccination has risen from one in one thousand to now one in thirty-forty in the USA, over the past 20 years, yet vaccination rates have remained the same. Potentially vaccines, though, could, and should promote strong immune responses to the vaccinating antigens. The generation of such immune responses is critically dependent upon the activation of phagocytic cells, such as Macrophages. The immune response would then consume large quantities of vitamin B2, iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Given that deficiencies in each of B2, B12, iron and vitamin D have all been shown to be predisposing factors for the development of ASD, any child who was "marginal" in these nutrients could have a negative response to vaccine. For this reason, any person being vaccinated should ensure that they receive adequate intake of vitamin B2 (plus Iodine, Selenium and Molybdenum), vitamin B12, iron and vitamin D, at time of vaccination. This will ensure that the child has a better immune response to the vaccination protocol.

Elevated Propionic Acid

Many of the children with ASD have been found to have elevated propionic acid, and this has been postulated to cause the condition. Propionic acid (CH3-CH2-COOH)(C3H6O2) is a normal metabolite of odd chain fatty acids, and also can come from the deamination of Alanine (CH3CH-NH2-COOH). In functional vitamin B2 deficiency, which every child with ASD that we have data for has,  they cannot gain sufficient energy from fats or sugars and so have to gain it from protein breakdown, and so metabolites of amino acids start to appear in the urine, particularly if there are other deficiencies. Normally, propionic acid is processed by the biotin-dependent enzyme Propionyl-CoA carboxylase, but in biotin deficiency, which most of the kids have, particularly if they have been put on a diet low in eggs, they can't do this and so elevated levels of propionic acid can be found. Generally this is accompanied by elevated levels of methylcitrate in the Orgnic Acids Test. Hence biotin replete, neurotypic individuals have methyl citrate of 0.6471 +/- 0.38, whilst in ASD this is increased to 1.37 +/- 0.7724. Many ASD individuals have levels much higher than this with data in the 2.0 to 5.0 not being uncommon. The elevated Methylcitrate and propionic acid resolve upon treatment with 150-300 ug/day biotin. "Propionic acidemia is due to deficient activity of the enzyme propionyl-CoA carboxylase. Because propionyl-CoA requires biotin as a cofactor, disorders of biotin also cause propionic acidemia."

Cerebral Folate Deficiency

The ability of a cell to trap and retain folate is dependent upon the addition of a polyglutamate tail on folate. This tail is "added" once folate enters the folate cycle by the enzyme folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS). In methyl B12 deficiency dietary folate - which is primarily 5MTHF is not processed by methionine synthase and so is not converted to Tetrahydrofolate, and so cannot enter the folate cycle to be polyglutaminated. The result is that intracellular folate levels are low, despite the observation that serum folate levels may be high. This has lead to the concept of Cerebral Folate deficiency. Yes, there is a deficiency of folate in most cells in the body, including the brain, but this has arisen due the universal functional vitamin B12 deficiency, observed in ASD.

Elevated Glutamate

Production of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the body requires the conversion of Glutamate to GABA by the enzyme Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD). This enzyme requires the active form of vitamin B6, pyridoxal-phosphate as a co-factor. Production of PLP, however, requires one of the two active forms of vitamin B2, FMN. In deficiency of Iodine and/or Selenium, levels of FMN are reduced, resulting in elevated glutamate and reduced GABA, with an altered glutamate/GABA ratio. Treatment should consist of fixing the functional B2 deficiency. There is a "realm" of thought that the child should avoid glutamate. Glutamate, though, is a non-essential amino acid, so the body will make it using the aminotransferase of aspartate + a-Ketoglutatate ,<=> oxaloacetate + glutamate, or Alanine + a-Keotglutarate <=> pyruvate + Glutamate. This basic bit of biochemistry seems to have been missed by those who attempt to control behavioural issues in children with autism, rather than fixing the Iodine/Selenium deficiency, that causes the functional B2 deficiency (See Pathway).(Sears et al, 2021; Yang and Chang, 2014; Roja 2014). This increases the number of "mistreatments" performed on children with autism, but those who do not understand basic biochemistry. Interestingly, there are a higher number of mutations in GAD - glutamate decarboxylase, in children with autism (data not publshed).

Inflammation in the Brain in Autism

There is a popular theory put forwards by Dr Theoharides and others (Theoharides, et al, 2016; 2013; Alam et al, 2017; Doeyas, 2018; Prata, et al, 2017; Al-Haddad et al, 2019) that autism is caused by brain inflammation. Examination of publications by these authors does not reveal any convincing data to support the theory. Of note is that the elevated neurotransmitter metabolites, HVA, VMA, QA, and KA that occur due to functional B12 deficiency, have often been cited as inflammatory markers with little evidence to support that contention.

Photobiomodulation of Epilepsy and Autism

Another crack-pot theory from a Dr who should know better, Dr Richard Frye.

GcMAF therapy and Autism

Following the concept that it is altered immune response in the brain that causes autism, recently GcMAF therapy, which is designed to activate macrophages, with the thought (or lack thereof) that this will overcome the immune dysfunction in autism. The result appears to be similar to that seen in Long COVID, in which hyperferritinemia, typical of Macrophage Activation Syndrome (MAS) (Rosario et al, 2013; Kernan and Carcillo, 2017), is observed and the biochemical markers of vitamin B2 deficiency become elevated and markers of functional iron deficiency such as lowered Haemoglobin, lower Haematocrit and elevated citrate are observed. In addition functional B12 deficiency becomes worse. This has resulted in the treated individuals actually getting worse, which would also be expected considering, what happens in Long COVID, in which there is extensive macrophage activation. This was not mentioned by the company

Autism is due to Genetics

There are many people who believe that autism is due to some genetic predisposition. There is evidence that there are some mutations in those with autism, however closer scrutiny reveals that the condition cannot be predominantly of genetic origin. Hence the incidence of autism has increased from around 1 in 1000, 25 year ago, the incidence has dramatically increased over the past 25 years, and is now 1 to 30 (South Korea) 1 in 35 (in the US) and around one in 40 in Australia (as of 2021). Clearly there is no genetic method of increasing the incidence of a non-lethal mutation in the population by over 200-fold within one generation. Despite this obvious disconnect, many research groups are still labouring to prove a genetic link for the condition. Despite this, several groups are clinging to the concept that autism is due to mutations in the MTHFR gene, and have even developed an MTHFR gene mutation protocol. These protocols appear to be generated with little knowledge of basic genetics by either those peddling the protocol or the poor unsuspecting parent going through with the protocol. Hence, the incidence of the common MTHFR gene mutation C665T by pure genetics should mean that the population as a whole would be 25% "-/-", 50% "+/-", and 25% "-/-", however, due to selection in low dietary folate and functional B2 deficiency, there is a change of ratio in the normal population to 10% "-/-", 37% "+/-", and 40% "-/-". This is almost identical to the observed frequency in the population with autism 8.5% "-/-", 43.6% "+/-", and 47.9% "-/-". Hence, the actual frequency of the "+/+" allele is less in the population with autism, NOT, more.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Initiation of digestion involes an initial phase, the cephalic phase, in which histamine, is secreted into the stomach and stimulates gastric motility and gastric emptying. In Iodine/Selenium deficiency, there is reduced activation of vitamin B2 to FMN, and that in turn results in reduced activation of vitamin B6 to P5P.This in turn reduces the ability of the P5P-dependent enzyme, histidine decarboxylase to convert histidine to histamine, with the result that there are problems with that stimulation of gastric emptying and normal gastro-intestinal movement, resulting in a condition called, Gastroeosophageal Reflux Disease. Many children with autism suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, such as abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, intestinal infections, and increased intestinal permeability (Bjørklund et al, 2020) Kamionkowski et al, 2022; Nath 2017; Lucarelli etal, 2017). Of these, GERD, is most likely caused by lack of production of Histamine in the cephalic phase of digestion, which then does not stimulate normal gastric emptying. Production of histamine occurs via the action of the P5P-dependent enzyme, histidine decarboxylase, hence in children that are deficient in Iodine, and/or Selenium, there will be reduced production of histamine in the stomach, and hence gastric emptying will be compromised. Unfortunately, due to poor understanding of the biochemistry of GERD, many children are treated with PPIs, which will reduce the secretion of intrinsic factor from the parietal cells in the stomach, and the reduced gastric acid secretion will result in iron deficiency, as well as non-release of vitamin B12 from haptocorrin,. Hence B12 and iron deficiency will be worse. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a known associative factor following the long term use of PPIs.

Food Allergen Testing

In functional B12 deficiency, there is poor maturation of the intestinal villi which then can cause histamine intolerance due to lack of activity of the enzyme Diamino Oxidase (DAO), and also sulphite intolerance due to lack of activity of the Molybdenum dependent enzyme Sulphite oxidase (SUOX). This then means that the children may experience a generalized food intolerance, specifically to high histamine foods, or those with sulphite as a preservative. The Physician, believing that these intolerances are due to allergies to the foods, will run an food allergen test, looking for IgG antibodies to the food allergens. The children will show a positive reaction to many foods that the child's eating, and the child will be placed on a highly restrictive diet. This, response appears to be due to lack of knowledge of the bodies response to food allergens. It is very normal for all people to generate an IgG antibody response to antigens from foods that we all eat. Generally the size of the antibody response is proportional to the amount of the food that we eat. It is totally natural response and the average person has a multitude of specific IgG antibodies. These antibodies are generally protective and as such are not allergic responses. IF an allergic response is suspected, the child should have a traditional skin prick test with the suspected allergen (Russell-Jones etal, 1981, 1984),

Gluten Free Diets

Gluten-intolerance in the community is relatively rare with an incidence of 0.1 to 1.0%. This intolerance is a feature of those with Coeliac Disease, a condition that rapidly resolves upon removal of gluten. Patients with Coeliac disease can present with gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, malabsorption and weight loss. The condition does not cause developmental delay. The incidence of the disease has not changed appreciably over the past 20 years, yet the incidence of ASD has increased from one in 1000 (less than the rate of Celiac disease) to now one in 35 in the US. Confirmation of Coeliac disease is performed by measuring anti-gliadin antibodies. Despite the low incidence of Coeliac Disease the number of people who are now on Gluten-free diets has increased to up to 25% in countries such as the UK, USA and Australia. Many adults claim to "feel" better on a GF diet, and it appears to be the first dietary change that physicians use on children with ASD. This has many disadvantages, firstly, there is no need to avoid gluten-products if you do not have Coeliac disease, but secondly, most commercial breads are now fortified with folate, vitamin B1, and Iodine. This then means that a child who is placed on a gluten-free diet can often suffer these deficiencies as can be seen in OAT analysis and HMTA. Further, since one of the major sources of Gluten-free flour is rice, the children can take in huge quantities of arsenic and lead, which would be "Contra" in a person who is already having developmental issues that would be further affected by lead and arsenic poisoning. Potentially, one of the reasons that persons react to commercial breads, is not actually due to the gluten, but rather to the sulphite used as a preservative in many foods. Sulphite is normally converted to Sulphate in the body by a Molybdenum-dependent enzyme, Sulphite Oxidase, and in Molybdenum deficiency persons get an intolerance to sulphite, which then may lead to diarrhea, gut issues and malabsorption. In house studies have shown that Molybdenum deficiency is very common in children with ASD, with over 45 % of children with ASD having Molybdenum deficiency via HMTA. Molybdenum deficiency is now so common in the community that the range for Molybdenum in HMTA performed by Doctors Data has shifted from 0.05-0.13 ppm in the 1990s, to now being out of range low 0.02-0.05 ppm in 2020, with over 70% of ASD individuals having Mo below 0.07 ppm. Interestingly, although Coeliac disease does not cause developmental delay, several studies have shown that sulphite is neurotoxic and in severe cases can cause neonatal seizures, developmental delay, feeding difficulties, microcephaly, brain atrophy and spasticity (Ergene etal, 2021; Grings etal, 2016; Veldman etal, 2010; Jakubiczka-Smorag,etal 2016) and neuronal loss in the hypocampus (Kocamaz etal, 2012).

Lactose Intolerance, and Dairy Free Diets

In individuals with a lack of vitamin B12, there is a reduced production of melatonin, due to the lack of SAM to convert serotonin, either produced in the gut or the brain, to melatonin. Gastro-intestinal problems are common in individuals with low vitamin B12, and it is thought that melatonin has a role to play in the maturation of the gut wall. Furthermore, low vitamin B12 is also associated with lack of activity of the enzyme histamine-N-methyl transferase, an enzyme secreted in the gut wall that inactivates histamine, and allows nutritionally normal people to consume foods with large amounts of histamine in them. Since the allergic response to food allergens is the same as that of histamine intolerance it is easy to assume that symptoms such as flushing, urticarial, Rhinoconjunctivitis and rhinorrhea, Headaches, and Digestive tract disturbances: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting are similar to those from histamine intolerance, many parents assume that these types of symptoms are caused by food allergy, and as such go on highly restrictive diets, such as the GFCF diet. Somewhat illogically they assume that the ASD child will then be cured. Early onset dairy intolerance/cow’s milk allergy is relatively infrequent and occurs in around 2-7% of children, however, the allergy generally resolves within a few years (Turck 2013; Denis etal, 2012). The incidence of cow’s milk allergy was significantly lower in exclusively breast fed children (Chandra and Hamad 1991).There is as yet no evidence that ASD is caused by allergy to cow’s milk or that the use of a diet free of cow’s milk is of benefit in treatment of individuals with ASD (Turck, 2013). In addition, lower intake of milk has been associated with lower adolescent bone mineral density (Blanco etal, 2017). There are also no studies comparing the incidence of cow’s milk allergy in normally developing children and those with autism spectrum disorder. The presence of IgE antibodies in serum of individuals does not necessarily correlate with allergic status, nor skin prick testing, but rather oral challenge is more predictive of allergic status (Chauveau etal, 2016). Usually cow’s milk can be re-introduced after 6 months of exclusion (Denis etal, 2012).

There are considerable logical problems with the adoption of the GFCF diet.

The children are known to be deficient in both vitamin B12 and vitamin B2, which arguably causes the perceived symptomology.

Placing the children on GFCF diets increases the level of B2 deficiency, and in countries which supplement iodine into cows to produce iodized milk, the children then become iodine deficient. The combined B2/Iodine deficiency causes an even greater deficiency in vitamin B12.

Adopting the gluten free diet adds further deficiencies to the mix as now the child becomes vitamin B1 deficient, and often selenium and molybdenum deficient.

Removing dairy from the diet then causes calcium deficiency and extremely elevated levels of phosphoric acid are present in the urine, reflecting stripping of the soluble calcium-phosphate pool from the bone, and thereby reducing the bone density of the children.

It doesn’t cure autism, but it can take a child who should have been treated with vitamin B2 and vitamin B12, and makes them more B2 and B12 deficient and in addition makes them potentially vitamin B1 deficient, Iodine, Selenium and molybdenum deficient and also calcium deficient. The insult is further exacerbated if the child is also taken off eggs, as this generally will make them biotin deficient.

Given that each of the deficiencies can by themselves lead to demyelination of nerves, and given that these deficiencies have also been associated with the development of dementia, it seems almost inconceivable that such treatment is given to the children, yet it is extremely common.

Microplastics cause autism

A recent theory tries to equate microplastics in the environment with increased incidence of autism in males. The investigators did not look at metabolic biochemistry, nor could they explain why the incidence is higher in males than females, nor how the microplastics cause functional B2, and B12 deficiency, and measurable iron and vitamin D deficiency Rebutal

There is no cure for autism

This commonly held belief is another myth. Once the nutritional deficiencies that over 99% of the children with autism has, the nutritional deficiencies can be corrected, and if done properly normal neurotypical development in the children can resume. Many papers are emerging showing functional B12 deficiency as being the cause of autism. Once this is fixed, development can continue.

Paradoxical vitamin B12 deficiency

The majority of children who have recently been diagnosed with ASD have elevated B12, and as such are not deemed to be vitamin B12 deficient. Hence there is the myth that vitamin B12 deficiency is NOT the cause of ASD. Metabolic analysis using urinary Organic Acids (OAT) reveals that the children are actually very deficient in both Adenosyl and particularly Methyl B12, which is contrary to the elevated serum B12, as such the children have "Paradoxical B12 deficiency". "Paradoxical B12 deficiency" is particularly common in ASD, CFS, PD and AD. Examples can be seen at

ABA Therapy and SLT

Applied Behavioural Analysis Therapy, is the practice of applying psychological principles of learning theory in a systematic way to modify behaviour. Similar practice is carried out in dementia. Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) is a similar practise. The people who practice it, firstly charge a lot of money, but secondly, they have the belief (both in ASD and Dementia) that somehow you can over-come the metabolic deficiencies that the people have by psychological principles. Given that it is the biochemical deficits, particularly in the altered neuronal signalling, that causes the behavioural and learning problems in ASD, it is not logical to assume that you could "talk, or reason" the condition away. It would be about as effective as talking to a raging bush-fire in order to get it to put itself out!!

PANS/PANDAS and Homeopathy

Another "theory" of autism is that the children have Pediatric autoimmune neuropthychiatric disorders, asssociated with streptoccal infections (PANDAS). The theory is supposed to apply to a subset of children with OCD or TIC disorders. Specifically the theory applies to Group A streptococci, an extremely common pathogen in children, particularly those who repeatedly have sore throats. The theory seems to piggy-back on conditions such as Post Streptococcal nephritis and Post Streptococcal theumatic heart disease and Post Streptococcal glomerulophritis. Of the many problems with the theory is that all children with autism are biochemically the same. They all have functional B2 deficiency and functional B12 deficiency, which alone explains the condition.


Biofeedback involves trying to retrain the brain of children to function more effectively. The problem with the technique is that it is the biochemical deficiencies in the brain that are the reason for the poor performance of the brains of the children. Fix the Biochemistry and then the children will perform much better. The cost is $50-500 per session, depending upon the insurance cover (which one would question) with 30-50 sessions required. Hence the cost would be $1500 to $25,000. Little wonder that they try to push the technique!! to

Bioresonance is a classed as a Pseudoscience in which Practitioners claim to be able to detect a variety of conditions, such as autism, and treatment consists of treating autism without drugs by stimulating a change of "bioresonance" in the body. Scientific evaluation has not shown any advance

Fecal Transplants

Several of the neurotransmitters that control gut movement and maturation are also present in the brain. The levels of these, particularly, melatonin and histamine, control the movement and maturation of the gut. Whilst this is well known in the literature, some "Health Practitioners" incorrectly assume that it is gut bacteria that control these functions, and so needlessly put the children through fecal transplants.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

TMS is being trialed in an attempt to "help those who struggle with aspects of having autism". Upon questioning about how such stimulation can cure the biochemical deficiencies in autism, the research groups were at a loss to answer.

Bioresonance/Kerri Rivera

Bioresonance is a classed as a Pseudoscience in which Practitioners claim to be able to detect a variety of conditions, such as autism, and treatment consists of treating autism without drugs by stimulating a change of "bioresonance" in the body. Scientific evaluation has not shown any advance over and above the placebo effect. Once again the issue in Autism is the deficiencies in vitamin B2 and vitamin B12. Such deficiencies cannot be changed by electrical impulses such as are used in Bioresonance

Treatment Myths and BAD MEDICINE

Adrenenergic Agonists - such as Clonidine/Catapres. These are used to boost the adrenalin response. Unfortunately the medical profession seems to have missed the fact that the reason that ASD patients have less adrenalin is because they are functionally deficient in vitamin B12 - MORE BAD MEDICINE. Of course the drug comes with many side effects, including tiredness, lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation.

Ritalin - Methylphenidate creates a classic stimulant effect within the central nervous system, mainly in the prefrontal cortex, by blocking the reuptake of the two neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, thereby increasing the amount of them in a key region of the brain associated with motivation and action. In most cases, it improves ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity and inattention. The problem is that every child with ADHD is over-producing dopamine and nor-adrenalin, due to functional B12 deficiency. Another case of BAD MEDICINE.

Antihistamines - The poor gut maturation means that the children are not producing the histamine inactivating enzyme DAO, and so they react with histamines in food. Fix the gut and they won't need the drugs. IN ADDITION, histamine is a powerful neurotransmitter in the brain, so treatment with anti-histamines is contra in a child who is trying to establish neuronal connections

Mestinon - This drug is mistakenly given to the children, presumably due to their lack of muscle tone, which is due to lack of iron and methylation. The drug has a huge number of side-effects, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, blurred vision, muscle cramps, twitching.  Another case of BAD MEDICINE

GABA agonists - Benzodiazapines- Valproate, Baclofen,  - Production of GABA (one third of neurons in the brain are GABA producing), requires the conversion of glutamate to GABA by the P5P-dependent enzyme GAT. In I/Se deficiency, riboflavin is not activated to FMN, and as a result vitamin B6 is not converted to P5P, and so production of GABA is reduced. This will have huge consequences as far as development of the brain is concerned where synaptogenesis depends upon neurons firing and their firing being controlled. Further, lack of GABA results in anxiety, fear, repetitive behaviours. increased auditory sensitivity (Möhrle etal, 2021; Huang etal, 2023) and in severe cases, convulsions and epilepsy (10-30% of children with ASD; Canitano, 2015). Unfortunately many health professionals treat these symptoms in those with ASD with GABA agonists (Zhao et al, 2022; Yang etal, 2021), rather than identifying the mineral deficiencies that are causing the condition. In an attempt to over-come the lack of production of GABA, the brain increases the uptake of glutamate - a neurostimulant, which may also exacerbate the lack of inhibitory activity of GABA, and thereby result in increased hyperactivity, It is also used to treat Head Banging. Serum levels of glutamate are increased in ASD, with the greater the severity corresponding to the greater the increase (Cai etal 2016; Khalifa  etal, 2016). It is therefore critically important to recognize and identify deficiencies in Iodine and/or Selenium before the commencement of any heroic treatment such as highly addictive GABA agonists. Further the use of these drugs can cause serious side-effects such as drowsiness, impaired thinking, depression, anxiety, impaired coordination, and vision problems, amongst others. Long term use of Benzodiazepines have been shown to cause lower total brain volume, as well as lower hippocampus, amygdala, and thalamus volume. They can also lead to down-regulation of GABA receptors. This in a brain that is trying to form a network of GABA neurons, that can control neuronal responses in the brain. In this regard, GABA neurons normally compose around 30% of brain neurons. Bumetanide, a diuretic agent, is also used to enhance the effectiveness of GABA. Hence treatment of autism with GABA agonists, without establishing cause is Another case of BAD MEDICINE

Stem cell therapy - Maturation of neuronal stem cells into myelin- producing oligodendrocytes, requires that combined action of the methylation product, melatonin, and the active form of vitamin D, 1,25-diOH-vitamin. The brains of children with autism are fully equipped with stem cells, however, due to insufficient vitamin D and melatonin, they have not been "turned on" to differentiate

Myths revisited

If one looks closely at all of the myths one is reminded of the witches in Shakespeares play (Macbeth: IV.i 10-19; 35-38), sitting around the cauldron chanting


Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the caldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt and toe of frog, 

Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,

Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,  etc


Ergene M, Yarar N, Öncel EP, Sezer T, Çavdarlı B, Ecevit İZ, Aydın Hİ. Severe isolated sulfide oxidase deficiency with a novel mutation. Turk J Pediatr. 2021;63(4):716-720. doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2021.04.021. PMID: 34449156.

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