One of the premiere
Groups in Australia dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Julie Hablin -Chair
Henry Capra - Deputy Chair
Robert Dolk -Director
Annette Gallard - Director
Paul Khoury - Director
Marielle Latour - Director
Karen Orvad - Director
Pamela Rutledge - Director
Paul Vevers - Director
Dr Emily Russor - Director
Not one person with any science background.
Jayon Beng CF-IO
Dr Trevor Clark PhD - National Director
Maryanne Gosling BTch - National Director
Leissa Dawson - National Director
Olivia Shah - National Director
Michelle Feros - National Director John Doyle Spencer Thew,
Krishna Sadhana, John Brawley, Jac den Houting, Tori Haar, Paul Micallef, Anslie
research focus is not on finding a cure for autism or the causes of autism.
Our focus is to identify the best possible ways to support people on the
autism spectrum and their families and carers to realise their goals and
aspirations, based on evidence from our own research studies and from other
autism researchers around the world"
Unfortunately such an approach means that any family who has a child diagnosed
with the condition, will then have a life-time of care for the person affected,
and that then also means that this will ultimately involve a life-time carer,
and the associated costs.
Copyright © 2020 B12 Oils. All Rights Reserved.
ASPECT in Autism
Board of Directors
Executive Team
Advisory Council
Our research
Corollary of this approach research focus
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